Shekvetili many areas on the Black Sea, in Shekvetili beaches are sandy, rather than covered in pebbles. The sand in Shekvetili is classified as black sand and has magnetic properties, which some believe treat a number of health problems, including cardiovascular diseases.
Many scientist have confirmed the unique medicinal and recreational properties of magnetic sand (N. Semenova 1948, A. Violov 1968, G. Blinkova 1969, A. Kogan 1971, G. Yakovleva 1973, G. Komarova 1971, Nakagava ...). For example, magnetic sand is effective for treating the following diseases:
• Cirrhosis of the cardiovascular system (hypertensive disease I and II stages, chronic ischemic heart disease, postinfectious cardiosclerosis, myocardiodystrophy, heart palpitations…);
• Rheumatic and infectious polyarthritis in chronic stages, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondropathy, dystrophic polyarthritis, chronic thrombophlebitis, posttraumatic rehabilitation;
• Diseases of the nervous system (depression, neuromuscular hypertension, climatic neurosis, climacteric neurosis, neuritis, neuralgia…);
• Children's diseases (rickets, spinal pares, maternal injuries…);
• Peripheral vascular diseases;
• Chronic urogenital diseases that cause infertility;
• Diffuse goiter iodine insufficiency;
• Coronary atherosclerosis I stage, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
• Allergic, purulent rash;
• Psoriasis (different categories);
• Alimentary Obesity;
• Magnetic field deficiency syndrome. Oxygen-rich air is created by combining the mountain and sea air (the same process occurs with the help of unique features of pine forest in rainy weather).
Considering all this , “Iveria Elli” is the best place for relaxation and treatment!
Magnetic sand on the beaches in Georgia
Uniqueness of n sea resort Shekvetili (Georgia) is conditioned by existence of Black magnetic sand with the nature of magnetic field of low intensity. These sands were brought by waters of the river from the mountains, rich in andesine.
In ancient times they used magnetic sand (the sand with raised content of ferromagnetic materials) for getting iron through direct recovery – this may be how they started using iron. Chalybes, who learnt to make iron, resided exactly at the shores of the Black Sea.
Aristotle speaks about the fact that Chalybes made iron of sand: «… “...Chalybes washed out river sand of their country several times, they added some fire-resistant substance, and melted in furnaces of special construction; the metal made this way was of silver color and stainless”.».
Curative virtues of magnetic sand at the Black Sea coast have been known since 19th century. Inhabitants of the coastal areas were first to try incredible features of these sand, who were recovered from various chronic diseases. Physicians, scientists and research institutions were interested in the virtues of the magnetic sand.
Magnetic sand, which has no analog in the world, is natural curative factor. Researchers of different countries proved favorable impact of a magnetic field on a human body. Under the influence of magnetic field on the human body chemical and biological processes are changed. Magnetic field has pain alleviating and anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates regeneration of tissues reinforcing immune system of a body. Using curative factors is the most effective at treatment of children’s diseases. Magnetic fields positively influence upon cardiac performance. They influence upon its function: reduces oxygen deficiency in myocardium and increases coronary blood flow.
Efficiency of using magnetic sands in the following diseases is proven:
- Cardiovascular disease (hypertonic disease of the 1st-2nd stage, chronic ischemic heart diseases, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, myocardiodystrophy and etc.)
- Diseases of musculoskeletal system (rheumatic and infection polyarthritis in chronic phases, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondropathy) and post-traumatic rehabilitation.
- Diseases of nervous system (depression, neurosis of hypertonic form, climacteric neurosis, neuralgia and etc.)
- Pediatric diseases (ICP, spinal paralysis, rachitis, birth traumas and etc.)
- Chronic genitourinary diseases causing infertility.
Magnetic sands are mostly met in Kamchatka. They are found by Sevastopol in the Ukraine. Basic congestions of this sand are found on the Black Sea coast – in Bulgaria and Georgia. Georgian sand include 2-3% of magnetite, though in several places they may reach 70% – in small partings at the upper layers.
Bulgarian placer deposit of magnetic sand are wider than those of Georgian, but maximal content of magnetite in them is substantially lower. Black magnetic sand at the beaches of Georgia – rare and unique phenomenon on the Planet.